Arch postal money - a theory .... What is


Post cards (official name) is a form of mass mailing the payment of charges (delivery charges) associated with the delivery of postal money orders. The vast majority ofdelivery card in this whole period from 1920 - 22 These documents should bedestroyed after some time, and probably the destruction was present secretphilatelist who saved this material. The money that was collected from the owner ofthe postal bills were in the form of postage stamps postage posting the other side ofthe sheet and stamped mail delivery. Postal Code directed initially to divide and markeach stamp, if appropriate, to prevent peel off as a larger block of stamps, which was not stamped. Not stamped mark could then exploit to the detriment of mail. From thiscommand, senseless time abandoned. The settlement sheets were further obligationto use the postal worker when posting a maximum amount of stamp denominations,as a nominal postage stamps any post office was one amount. This means that 2000 should halls. stood in production costs as well as 5 halls. If the mail clerkdisbursed as postage fee of CZK 10 a crown of ten marks, commit an offense andthus harmed the post office.

This file can be further examined from many perspectives. It should be done muchresearch work. Generally speaking, the delivery card is one of the rare documentsPostal Service. Because of its low prevalence, are less available to collectors and unknown.

The scarcity of delivery cards very well worth a "specialized catalog of stamps and integrity of Czechoslovakia from 1918-1939 and author John Klim Vladimir Schödelbauer, published by Mercury-revue al. s ro, Brno, First Edition - Brno 2002.